Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Organization Chart Files

Files in \orgchart\bin

File Purpose
orgchart.dll The DLL in which the C++ ActiveX control is implemented. This component retrieves information from the Microsoft Exchange GAL.

Files in \orgchart\scripts

File Purpose
amorgchart.asp Displays organization-chart information from the GAL, rendered as HTML. Defines constants. Contains all of the Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (VBScript) code necessary to log on anonymously (create and check a CDO session), and find any published public folders.
default.htm Takes the user to jamorgchart.asp.
details.asp Displays user account details.
global.asa Performs Active Server startup and shutdown functions, including impersonation to validate the user.
jamorgchart.asp Displays organization-chart information from the GAL through a Java tree control.
jnamesearch.asp Searches for a person's name in the GAL (Java version). Sets strings and error messages. Concentrating these in a single include file eases localization.
namesearch.asp Searches for a person's name in the GAL (HTML version).

Files in \orgchart\scripts\java

File Purpose
JOrgChart.class Java source files
PersonNode.class Java source files
TreeLayout.class Java source files
TreeNode.class Java source files

Files in \orgchart\source\cpp

These are the C++ source files for orgchart.dll.

Files in \orgchart\source\java

File Purpose A Java applet that provides the user interface: the tree structure, navigation through the list, and so on. This is the Java front-end to the Organization Chart sample application.