Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1


See personal address book.
parent folder
A folder that is the parent object of another folder, which is the parent folder’s child folder.
parent object
An object from which another object is derived. The derived object is a child object.
An object specifying rendering information for a particular set of values of a property on an object being rendered. CDO applications can access a pattern using the Pattern object.
See private distribution list.
personal address book
(PAB) A modifiable address book container that holds recipient entries either created by the messaging user or copied from other address book containers such as a global address list. See also global address list.
personal folder
A folder held outside of the mailbox of a messaging user, in which the user can store selected messages. A messaging user’s personal folders are normally held in the user’s personal message store.
personal view
A predefined table view defined individually for a particular messaging user.
personal Web server
A Web server that does not use IIS. Because it does not require a Windows server, a personal Web server can run on a Windows workstation.
private distribution list
(PDL) A distribution list that exists only in a personal address book belonging to one messaging user. A private distribution list can contain individual messaging users, distribution lists, and other private distribution lists. However, a PDL does not have an e-mail address. For more information, see the DisplayType property of the AddressEntry object.
Configuration information about the set of message services for a session. Profiles are created from information stored in the MAPI configuration file, MAPISVC.INF. A profile indicates which address books and message stores are accessible to the messaging user that is logging on, as well as the messaging user’s own display name and addressing information.
A data attribute exposed by an object. A property represents data that is held inside the object and is inaccessible from outside except through the object’s defined interface. An object may permit read/write access to some of its properties and read-only access to others.
public folder
A folder held outside of the mailboxes of all the messaging users on a message store, in which any connected user can post selected messages. A public folder can be used as a bulletin board or online forum.