Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

RenderAppointments Method (CalendarView Object)

The RenderAppointments method renders AppointmentItem objects in the Messages collection.


strHTML = objCalendarView.RenderAppointments( [varStartDate] [, varResponseObject] )

On successful return, contains a string with the HTML hypertext representing the appointments. However, if the varResponseObject parameter is supplied, RenderAppointments returns a value of Empty.
Required. This CalendarView object.
Optional. Variant (vbDate format). The date/time used to determine the starting date from which to render appointments. The time portion of varStartDate is ignored. The default value is the current date.
Optional. Object. An Active Server response object used to accumulate HTML output to send to the browser. This parameter is used primarily in ASP applications. If varResponseObject is not supplied, the output is written to strHTML.


The RenderAppointments method renders appointments starting with a date calculated from the varStartDate parameter, but not necessarily equal to its value. The rendering starts at the beginning of the time unit containing the varStartDate value. For example, if the calendar view's Mode property is set to CdoModeCalendarWeekly, the ContainerRenderer object's FirstDayOfWeek property is set to CdoMonday, and the value of varStartDate indicates a Sunday, appointments are rendered starting with the preceding Monday.

The RenderAppointments method generates an HTML table containing one or more cells. If the Mode property is CdoModeCalendarDaily, the table contains time slots showing free and busy times for the day. The length of the time slots is determined by the Interval property. All-day events are shown by the RenderEvents method and do not appear in the RenderAppointments table.

If Mode is CdoModeCalendarWeekly, the table contains a list of appointments and events for each of seven days, starting with the day designated in the container renderer's FirstDayOfWeek property.

Appointments are rendered for the number of time units indicated by the NumberOfUnits property, beginning with the starting date calculated from the varStartDate parameter. If NumberOfUnits is greater than 1, each appointments table appears as a cell within an outer table. If the Mode property is CdoModeCalendarDaily, the outer table is a single row with NumberOfUnits columns. If Mode is CdoModeCalendarWeekly, the outer table is a single column with NumberOfUnits rows.