Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1 |
The RenderDateNavigator method renders a date navigator that can be used to select a starting date for rendering.
strHTML = objCalendarView.RenderDateNavigator( [varStartDate] [, varMonths] [, varResponseObject] )
The RenderDateNavigator method renders the date navigator starting with a date calculated from the varStartDate parameter, but not necessarily equal to its value. The rendering starts at the beginning of the month containing the varStartDate value.
The RenderDateNavigator method generates an HTML table containing one or more cells. It renders a date navigator that can be used to choose the date to view with the RenderAppointments or RenderEvents method. An entire month is displayed at a time.
Every day of a month is rendered individually within the image of the month. Each day's rendering contains a URL calling a JavaScript function with a paradigm of gotoDate(year, month, day). The frame containing the date navigator must define and implement the gotoDate function for the linking to work correctly. Microsoft® JScript™ can be used to implement gotoDate.
RenderDateNavigator also requires the two image files LEFT.GIF and RIGHT.GIF for the arrow pointers used to move to the previous or next month. You must furnish these in the same directory that contains the .ASP file calling RenderDateNavigator. You can define your own .GIF files or use the ones provided with Microsoft® Outlook™ Web Access (OWA), typically in a directory with a path similar to \\…\Exchsrvr\webdata\<lang>\calendar, where <lang> is a language node such as usa, frn, or jpn.
The date navigator is rendered for the number of months specified in the varMonths parameter, beginning with the month calculated from the varStartDate parameter. If varMonths is greater than 1, each month appears as a cell within an outer table. The outer table is a single column with varMonths rows.