Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Specifying a Different Address Book Server

When you first run the Organization Chart sample application, it obtains data from a Microsoft Exchange Global Address List (GAL) that is specified by settings in your computer's Microsoft® Windows NT® registry. By editing the script code for this sample application, you can make it use a GAL that is hosted on a different server. To do this, follow these steps:

To specify a different address book server

  1. Locate the function GetAnonConfig at the end of the file of this sample application.
  2. Within this function, comment out the following lines:
    objRenderApp.LoadConfiguration 1, _ "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeWeb\Parameters"
    If Not ReportError( "RenderingApplication.LoadConfiguration from registry") Then
        bstrEnterprise= objRenderApp.ConfigParameter("Enterprise")
        bstrSite      = objRenderApp.ConfigParameter("Site")
        bstrServer    = objRenderApp.ConfigParameter("Server")
    End If
  3. Add assignment statements in which you set the following string variables to the enterprise, site, and server whose GAL you want this application to use. For example:
    bstrEnterprise = "Your_Enterprise"
    bstrSite       = "Your_Site"
    bstrServer     = "Your_Server"

After you change these settings, the Organization Chart sample application will obtain its data from the GAL located on the server called "Your_Server" in the site "Your_Site" within the organization called "Your_Enterprise".