Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Suggested Formats and Patterns

The following tables suggest formats and patterns you can add and use to render a variety of messaging objects. In each table, the first column lists a property-only format or a named format. When the format in the first column contains the value in the second column, it is rendered using the string or image in the third column.

Formats for RenderingApplication Object

Properties on Format Object Properties on Pattern Object
Name or property Value RenderUsing
“virtroot” “*” /exchange
“classpath” “*” IPM/Note/ and other patterns, as set by FormsRoot

Formats for ObjectRenderer (DataSource = Message object)

Properties on Format Object Properties on Pattern Object
Name or property Value RenderUsing
  1 “Normal”
2 “High”
“message_Link” “*” %virtroot%/Forms/%classpath%read.asp?obj=%obj%

In the preceding table, it is assumed that a read.asp file (which displays the message identified by the URL parameter obj) exists in the directory indicated by classpath.

Formats for ContainerRenderer (DataSource = Messages Collection)

Properties on Format Object Properties on Pattern Object
Name or property Value RenderUsing
  1 Empty
2 <IMG SRC=‘urgent.gif’ ALIGN=CENTER ALT=“High” BORDER=0>
PR_MESSAGE_CLASS “*” <IMG SRC=‘envelope.gif’ ALT=‘%value%’ ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=0>
  1 <IMG SRC=‘papclip.gif’ ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=0>
PR_MESSAGE_SIZE “*” %kvalue%KB
“message_Link” “*” %virtroot%/Forms/%classpath%read.asp?obj=%obj%

In the preceding table, it is assumed that a read.asp file (which displays the message identified by the URL parameter obj) exists in the directory indicated by classpath.

Formats for ContainerRenderer (DataSource = Folders Collection)

Properties on Format Object Properties on Pattern Object
Name or property Value RenderUsing
PR_DISPLAY_NAME InfoStore.RootFolder.Name InfoStore.Name
“folderhierarchy_Parent” “*” <TD BGCOLOR=CCCC99 COLSPAN=2>&nbsp;</TD>
“folderhierarchy_Icon” “*” <IMG SRC='folder.gif' ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=0>
“folderhierarchy_Link” “*” <A HREF=“folders.asp?obj=%obj%”>%value%</A>

In the preceding table, it is assumed that a folder.asp file (which displays the folder hierarchy using the URL parameter obj as the root folder) exists in the current directory.

Formats for ContainerRenderer (DataSource = AddressEntries Collection)

Properties on Format Object Properties on Pattern Object
Name or property Value RenderUsing
PR_DISPLAY_NAME InfoStore.RootFolder.Name InfoStore.Name
“folderhierarchy_Parent” “*” <TD BGCOLOR=CCCC99 COLSPAN=2>&nbsp;</TD>
“folderhierarchy_Icon” “*” <IMG SRC='folder.gif' ALIGN=CENTER BORDER=0>
“folderhierarchy_Link” “*” <A HREF=“address.asp?obj=%obj%”>%value%</A>

In the preceding table, it is assumed that a address.asp file (which displays the messaging user identified by the URL parameter obj) exists in the current directory.