Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

The Resulting Form

When you have finished, the wizard will have created a custom form for you in the Outlook Web Access server you indicated on the initial pages of the wizard.

Under the webdata tree of Outlook Web Access, the form is copied to a location that depends on the item type you selected in the wizard. For example, if you choose to create a custom status form of type IPM.Note.Status, the form scripts are copied to webdata/usa/forms/ipm/note/status.

The form consists of the following files:

File Name Description
Note-based forms Post-based forms  
frmRoot.asp frmRoot.asp This is the main entry point of the form. Every custom HTML form has at minimum a frmRoot.asp form, although each form's frmRoot.asp script may be different.

For forms created by this wizard, frmRoot.asp performs the following:

  • Determines whether an existing item is being opened (read mode) or a new item created (compose mode).
  • Creates the appropriate frameset, depending on which mode applies. The "cmp-" prefix indicates files used in compose mode. If files prefixed with "red-" exist, they are used in read mode; otherwise, files with the "cmp-" prefix are used for both modes.
  • In read mode, frmRoot.asp retrieves the existing message using Collaboration Data Objects (CDO). This message object is then cached for use by the other scripts in this form.
  • Provides utility functions for use by the remaining scripts.
form.ini form.ini Plain-text INI file that provides a friendly display name with which users can choose this form after it is deployed. This file can optionally mark a particular form as hidden, so it cannot be composed but can be used to read existing items. An example is a meeting response form that is not created by the Compose New command, but is created by clicking Accept / Decline / Tentative on a meeting request form.
cmpTitle.asp / redTitle.asp PostTitl.asp This is the topmost page you can see on the form. It implements the toolbar and tab strip.
cmpMsg.asp / redMsg.asp postMsg.asp / redPost.asp This file provides content of the first page. By default this page is titled "Message" but this can be customized in the wizard.
cmpOpt.asp / redOpt.asp (not available) This file provides the content of the Options page. This page can be disabled in the wizard.
cmpAtt.asp postAtt.asp This file provides a way to attach files while composing a message. This page can be disabled in the wizard.
page_N.asp / pageR_N.asp page_N.asp / pageR_N.asp There can be up to five of these files, each of which provides the content of your custom form pages. The custom content on the first page is handled by cmpMsg.asp/redMsg.asp mentioned previously.
commands.asp commands.asp This is a utility script used for server-side command handling; for example, checking names in the To: field against the Microsoft Exchange directory when you click the Send button on the toolbar.
delete.asp delete.asp This is another utility script used to delete an item if you click the Delete button on the toolbar.
*.gif *.gif Miscellaneous images. "Invisibl.gif" is used for spacing; "Next.gif" and "Last.gif" provide button faces for the Next and Previous toolbar buttons. Include file containing various constants used by the various form scripts.