Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Using CE Mail

To log on using the CE Mail sample application

  1. Start CE Mail. A logon form is displayed.
  2. Enter the name of your Microsoft Exchange server and the name of your mailbox on that server. Click OK or press Enter.
  3. The Authentication dialog box is displayed. In the Username text box, enter your Microsoft® Windows NT® domain and account name separated with a backslash (no spaces), for example southwest\johnd. In the Password text box, type your Windows NT password. Click OK or press Enter.
  4. To open a folder other than Inbox, click Pick Folder; otherwise, click Inbox. If you click Inbox, the script folder.asp is run, which renders the contents of your Inbox on the server. If you click Pick Folder. the file pickfold.asp displays the folder tree starting at your server Inbox to let you open a different folder. Pickview.asp obtains the folder GUID for the chosen folder. Then, in a loop, it reads and displays the possible views from the RenderingApplication object. Clicking one of these folders causes its contents to be rendered.
  5. While a folder is being displayed, you can select from among several folder views, with choices such as Normal, Unread, Group by From, and Group by Subject. These views are defaults; they are set automatically in Microsoft Exchange Server. They can be altered within a binary client such as Microsoft® Outlook™ and within Microsoft Outlook Web Access.
  6. With a folder displayed, you can click to open an item in the folder. When you do so, the file in the virtual root finds the correct read.asp file in a subfolder to open the item. This design lets the user open a message or form of any type (class) by rendering it with the proper asp files for that class. These files reside in the specific form's subfolder under the Forms\IPM subfolder. (Each subfolder contains the files — including read.asp — for rendering a specific type of supported form or message.)