Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Using the Microsoft Exchange Discussion Wizard

To create a new Web that contains a Microsoft Exchange discussion

  1. Using Microsoft Outlook or the Microsoft Exchange client, locate the public folder you want to use for this discussion.

    If the folder does not yet exist, create it before running the wizard.

    If you want anonymous Web users to have access, be sure to grant "Anonymous" access to the public folder. For more information on setting public folder permissions, consult the Help file for Microsoft Outlook or for the Microsoft Exchange client.

  2. Start Microsoft FrontPage.
  3. If the Getting Started dialog box is displayed when you start FrontPage, select Create a New FrontPage Web and click OK.

    If the Getting Started dialog box is not displayed, click New FrontPage Web on the New submenu on the File menu.

  4. In the New FrontPage Web dialog box, answer the following questions:

    Click OK.

  5. A Choose Profile dialog box may be displayed. If so, select the profile you wish to use, and click OK.
  6. Select the public folder you would like to use for the discussion. After you have selected a folder, click Next.
  7. The wizard adds a link to your discussion on an existing page in your site, or creates a new page if you prefer. Enter the following three items:

    When you have finished, click Next.

  8. Choose whether to require authenticated access or to allow anonymous access to the discussion site.

    Also configure IIS and Microsoft Exchange Server for authenticated or anonymous access to match your choice on this screen. For more information, see Configuring for Anonymous Access or Configuring for Authenticated Access.

    When you have finished, click Next.

  9. Click Finish to create the Web.
  10. When the Microsoft FrontPage Editor window displays the page into which the discussion link was inserted, confirm that the wording and formatting is to your liking. If you would like to make changes, use the Editor to make changes. Then click Save on the File menu to post the change to your Web.

    If you are using Microsoft FrontPage 97, you need to manually configure the discussion folder to allow scripts to be run. To do this:

You can use this new discussion Web by connecting your browser to http://<servername>/<webname>/<destpage>. <Destpage> is the destination page that you specified in step 7.

To add a Microsoft Exchange discussion to an existing Web

Follow the procedure To create a new Web that contains a Microsoft Exchange discussion (see Using the Microsoft Exchange Discussion Wizard), but with the following modification:

  1. In the New FrontPage Web dialog box, answer the following questions:

    Click OK.