Platform SDK: CDO 1.2.1

Width Property (Column Object)

The Width property returns or sets the width for this Column object. Read/write.



Data Type



The Width property represents the horizontal space the column is to occupy when displayed from the HTML output of the rendering.

For common, folder, and personal views, the column widths are relative. They are specified in integer units typically representing characters. The final display width is arrived at in the following manner:

  1. The container renderer determines the overall width of the table view by adding together the Width properties of every column in the Columns collection of the TableView object.
  2. The container renderer computes the proportional width for each column by dividing its Width property by the overall table view width.
  3. The proportional width for each column is placed in the HTML output.
  4. The browser calculates each column’s final display width from its proportional width and the available horizontal space in the browser window.

For custom views, the column widths are absolute and are specified in characters. However, if the CdoColumnBitmap flag is set in a column’s Flags property, that column's width is expressed in pixels.

If you are rendering a calendar view, the value of the Width property is ignored. The CalendarView object makes its own calculations for column widths based on the values of its Mode and NumberOfUnits properties.