Platform SDK: CDO for Windows 2000


Active Server Pages

See ASP.


A software technology built on the COM foundation that allows networked components to interact with each other independently of the languages they are written in. ActiveX® is used particularly for applications dealing with the Internet and the World Wide Web. ActiveX components include ActiveX objects, which expose their properties and methods, and ActiveX clients, which access the ActiveX objects.

ActiveX control

A reusable, stand-alone software component often exposing a discrete subset of the total functionality of a product or application. An arbitrary number of ActiveX controls can be used as prefabricated components to aid in building a new application. ActiveX controls cannot run alone and must be loaded into a control container such as Microsoft® Visual Basic® or Microsoft Internet Explorer.® Formerly referred to as OLE control or OCX. For more information, see the "COM and ActiveX Object Services" section of the Microsoft® Platform SDK.


(ActiveX Data Objects) A COM component that provides OLE Automation compatible interfaces used by high level programming languages to access data, normally using OLE DB providers.


(Advanced Research Projects Agency) A government research agency that pioneered the first large-scale networking project. This project lead to what is currently referred to as the Internet.


(Active Server Pages) An open application environment in which HTML pages, scripts, and ActiveX components can be combined to create web-based applications. Microsoft® ASP is an ISAPI application.


An object that is associated with a message and contains additional data, such as a file or an object addressed by a URL. An attachment is a body part of the message.


A Microsoft technology that allows objects to expose their internal services to each other as well as to human users, thereby permitting tasks to be performed automatically instead of by hand. Automation is based upon the Component Object Model (COM), and Automation applications access objects using their exposed IDispatch interface. Objects exposed through Automation include ActiveX Objects, and applications that access them include ActiveX clients, formerly referred to as OLE Automation.