Platform SDK: CDO for Windows 2000



(Collaboration Data Objects) A technology for building collaborative applications. CDO is designed to simplify the creation of applications with messaging functionality, or to add messaging functionality to existing applications.

child object

An object accessed through another object, which is referred to as a parent object. A parent object is often, but not always, a container object.

client-side script

Script that is decoded and run by a browser.


(Class Identifier) A GUID that uniquely identifies a particular COM class.

Collaboration Data Objects

See CDO.


An object that contains zero or more objects. Collections normally contain objects of the same class. Also referred to as a collection object or an object collection. See also container object.

collection object

See collection.


(Component Object Model) An architecture for defining interfaces and interaction among objects implemented by widely varying software applications. All COM interfaces are derived from the IUnknown, interface which includes the methods QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release. For more information, see the "COM and ActiveX Object Services" section of the Microsoft® Platform SDK.

COM Class

An implementation of one or more COM interfaces. COM objects are instances of COM classes. For more information, see the COM section of the Platform SDK documentation.

COM Interface

A pointer to a vtable pointer where the first three methods in that table are QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release. For more information, see the COM section of the Platform SDK documentation.

container object

An object that contains other objects.