Platform SDK: CDO for Windows 2000

IDataSource Methods

With CDO for Windows 2000, the IDataSource interface, as it is implemented by the Message COM class, is designed to extract messages from or embed messages into other objects. These methods are outlined in the following table.

IDataSource Interface Methods

Method Description
Open Reserved for future use.
OpenObject Binds to and opens data from the specified object.
Save Saves the current data into the currently bound object.
SaveTo Reserved for future use.
SaveToContainer Reserved for future use.
SaveToObject Binds to and saves message into the specified object

Use of these methods is restricted to objects that expose the following interfaces:

When embedding a message into an object that exposes either the IStream or ADO _Stream interface, the message is serialized and placed within the object's internal stream. Such objects act as containers for message content, much like files do on the file system.

All other methods on the IDataSource interface are not implemented with CDO for Windows 2000 and are reserved for future use.

See Also

Embedding a Message into Another

Extracting Embedded Messages

Loading Messages from within ADO Stream Objects

Saving Messages into ADO Stream Objects