Platform SDK: Certificate Services

ICertEncodeDateArray [C++]

CCertEncodeDateArray [Visual Basic]

The ICertEncodeDateArray interface provides methods for handling Date arrays used in certificate extensions. A certificate extension can be created using a Date array stored in an extension handler COM object instantiated by the policy module. Each element in the array is a Date value.

This interface is provided mainly as a demonstration for encoding custom extensions. The Certificate Services sample programs in the Platform SDK contain source code for this interface.

ICertEncodeDateArray is defined in certenc.h. When you create your program, however, use certsrv.h as the include file. CertEnc.dll provides the ICertEncodeDateArray interface. In Windows 2000, the type information for this interface is also in CertEncL.dll, which is shipped with the Platform SDK.

The Certificate Services interfaces support only the apartment-threading model.

The following methods are provided by the ICertEncodeDateArray interface.

Method Description
Decode Decodes an ASN-encoded Date array and stores the resulting array of Dates in the COM object.
Encode Performs ASN encoding on a Date array stored in the COM object and returns the ASN-encoded Date array.
GetCount Returns the number of Date values in a Date array.
GetValue Returns the Date value at a specified index of a Date array.
Reset Resets a Date array to a specified number of elements and clears the values.
SetValue Sets a Date value at a specified index of a Date array.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000 (or Windows NT 4.0 with the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack).
  Header: Declared in Certenc.h; include Certsrv.h.
  Library: Use Certidl.lib.