Platform SDK: COM

Visual Basic Object Browser

Once a COM object has been added to your project as a reference or component, you can use the Visual Basic Object Browser to view type library information for that object in Visual Basic.

To view a COM object in the Object Browser

The left side of the Object Browser window displays all of the classes of references and components added to the current project. The right side contains the methods, properties, and events of those classes.

You can filter which COM object classes are displayed by selecting an object library from the library selection drop-down list.

For more information, see "Browsing ActiveX Component Type Libraries" in the Visual Basic documentation.

Note  In some cases, the Visual Basic Object Browser appears not to show a return type for a function or property. No return type appears when the return type is the default type, Variant. If the description pane of the Object Browser describes the element as a function or property and a return type is not shown, the return type statement is "As Variant".