Platform SDK: COM

JavaTLB Command-Line Tool

JavaTLB is a component of Visual J++ 5.0. JavaTLB is a command-line application that generates class files for a COM object. Methods that contain data types that cannot be accurately and safely represented in Java are not converted.

Unlike the Java Type Library Wizard, JavaTLB does not generate a summary file containing the Java type library information.

To generate Java class files for a single COM object

•    From the command prompt, run

javatlb filename

where filename is the name of the file that contains the type library. This file may have any of the following file name extensions: .tlb, .olb, .ocx, .dll, or .exe.

To generate Java class files for multiple COM objects

•    From the command prompt, run

javatlb @TextFile

where TextFile is the name of a text file that contains a list of the files containing the COM object's type libraries.

For more information, see "Using the JavaTLB Command-Line Tool" in the Visual J++ documentation.

Note  In Visual J++ 6.0, the JavaTLB command-line tool is replaced by the JActiveX tool. For more information, see the Visual J++ 6.0 documentation.