Platform SDK: COM |
MkTypLib is a command-line application that processes an IDL file to produce a type library. It can also be used to generate a C or C++ header file.
Note This tool is obsolete. You should instead use the MIDL compiler. If you need backward compatibility with old Automation programs, use the MIDL compiler with the /mktyplib203 option.
The type library generated by MkTypLib can then be brought into your Visual C++ project by using the MFC Class Wizard.
To generate a type library from an ODL file
• From the command prompt, run
mktyplib filename
where filename is the name of the ODL file.
MkTypLib also supports several optional parameters. For a complete list, run the following command line:
mktyplib /?
Because MkTypLib is an obsolete application, it cannot parse IDL files or files with interfaces defined outside of a library statement. For more information, see Differences Between MIDL and MKTYPLIB in the MIDL Programmer's Reference in the Platform SDK.
For more information about MkTypLib, see the Visual C++ documentation.