Platform SDK: Cryptography

Writing a CSP

This section outlines the steps used to write, test, and implement a custom CSP.

Before writing a CSP, a writer must accomplish two tasks:

Once these tasks have been accomplished, a custom CSP can be created. The creation procedure is as follows:

  1. Creating the CSP DLL that exposes the CryptoSPI functions.
  2. Writing the CSP setup program that creates the appropriate registry entries.
  3. Test signing the CSP.
  4. Testing the CSP.
  5. Getting the CSP signed to enable the CSP to be used with the released versions of Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Microsoft® Windows NT®, or Windows 95 and later.
  6. Test the officially signed CSP. This is the same as step 4, except that the official signature and the release version of Windows are used.