Insert Table Dialog Box

See Also   Tasks

Allows you to insert an empty HTML table into the page.

Caution   If you select text and then insert a table, the selected text is replaced by the empty table.



Specifies the number of rows in the table. The resulting table does not include an extra row for column headings.


Specifies the number of columns.

Table attributes


Indicates the total width of the table. Select units (pixels or percent) from the list next to this box.

Background color

Specifies the background color for the table. Select a color name from the drop-down list, or press the browse button to display the Color Picker dialog box.

Background image

Specifies a graphics (.gif, .jpg, or .jpeg) file that appears tiled behind the table. Enter a URL, or choose the browse button and select a name from the Create URL dialog box. (The browse button will launch the URL picker dialog only when a Web project is open. Otherwise, the File Open dialog will be displayed.)

Note   If you reference an image file that is not already part of your project, the image will not automatically be added to your project.

Border color

Specifies a color for the table's border. Select a color name from the drop-down list or or press the browse button to display the Color Picker dialog box. If the table has no border, border color is ignored.

Border size

Specifies the size in pixels of the table border. Choose 0 to specify no border.


Specifies how the table is aligned with respect to the document.

Cell spacing

Specifies the amount of space in pixels between cells.

Cell padding

Specifies the amount of space between cell contents and the cell border.

Cell attributes

Background color

Specifies the same background color for all cells in the table. The cell background color overrides the table background color. After the table has been created, you can change or remove the background color for each cell individually. Select a color name from the drop-down list or press the browse button to display the Color Picker dialog box.

Border color

Specifies the same color for the borders of all cells in the table. The cell border color overrides the table border color. After the table has been created, you can change or remove the border color for each cell individually.


Specifies how the text in a cell is aligned with its border. After the table has been created, you can change or remove the alignment option for each cell individually. Choose from the following options:

Option Alignment
Left Cell contents are flush with the left border.
Right Cell contents are flush with the right border.
Center Cell contents are centered horizontally in the cell.
Justify Distributes text in the cell so that the left and right margins are even.
Char Aligns text around a specified character in the cell.

Note   The Justify and Char options are supported only by browsers that implement HTML 4.0.

Wrap text

Specifies whether text in cells is wrapped within the cell's borders. If unchecked, all text in each cell will appear on the same line. If checked, the browser will automatically word wrap text in each cell. After the table has been created, you can change or remove the wrap option for each cell individually.