See Also    Example

Modifies the design of a table after it has been created with the CREATE TABLE statement.

Note The Microsoft Jet database engine doesn’t support the use of ALTER TABLE, or any of the data definition language (DDL) statements, with non-Microsoft Jet databases. Use the DAO Create methods instead.


ALTER TABLE table {ADD {COLUMN field type [(size)] [NOT NULL] [CONSTRAINT index] |
CONSTRAINT multifieldindex} |
DROP {COLUMN field I CONSTRAINT indexname} }

The ALTER TABLE statement has these parts:

Part Description
table Name of the table to be altered.
field Name of the field to be added to or deleted from table.
type Data type of field.
size Field size in characters (Text and Binary fields only).
index Index for field. See the CONSTRAINT clause topic for more information on how to construct this index.
multifieldindex Definition of a multiple-field index to be added to table. See the CONSTRAINT clause topic for more information on how to construct this clause.
indexname Name of the multiple-field index to be removed.


Using the ALTER TABLE statement, you can alter an existing table in several ways. You can:
