HTML Data Source Initialization Settings

The Jet\3.5\Engines\Text folder includes initialization settings for the Mstext35.dll driver, used for external access to tables stored within HTML files. Typical settings for the entries in this folder are shown in the following example.


The Microsoft Jet database engine uses the Text folder entries as follows.

Entry Description
win32 The location of Mstext35.dll. The full path is determined at the time of installation. Values are of type String for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and of type REG_SZ for Windows NT 3.51.
MaxScanRows The number of rows to be scanned when guessing the column types. If set to 0, the entire file will be searched. The default is 25. Values are of type DWORD for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and of type REG_DWORD for Windows NT 3.51.
FirstRowHasNames A binary value that indicates whether the first row of the table contains column names. A value of 01 indicates that, during import, column names are taken from the first row. A value of 00 indicates no column names in the first row. The default is 01. Values are of type Binary for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and of type REG_BINARY for Windows NT 3.51.
CharacterSet An indicator of how text pages are stored. Possible settings are:
  • OEM ? OemToAnsi and AnsiToOem conversions done.

  • ANSI ? OemToAnsi and AnsiToOem conversions not done.

The default is OEM. Values are of type String for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and of type REG_SZ for Windows NT 3.51.

Format Can be any of the following: TabDelimited, CSVDelimited, Delimited (<single character>). The single-character delimiter in the Delimited format can be any single character except a double quotation mark ("). The default is CSVDelimited. Values are of type String for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and of type REG_SZ for Windows NT 3.51.
Extensions The extension of whatever files are to be browsed when looking for text-based data. The default is txt, csv, tab, asc. Values are of type String for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and of type REG_SZ for Windows NT 3.51.
ExportCurrencySymbols A binary value that indicates whether the appropriate currency symbol is included when currency fields are exported. A value of 01 indicates that the symbol is included. A value of 00 indicates that only the numeric data is exported. The default is 01. Values are of type Binary for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0, and of type REG_BINARY for Windows NT 3.51.