MDAC 2.5 SDK - Overview of the MDAC SDK


Locating SDK Components

Installing the Platform SDK from MSDN Online

The MDAC 2.5 SDK is now part of the Platform SDK. For information about installing the Platform SDK, see the Products page of the MSDN Online Web site at If you customize your installation of the Platform SDK, be aware that links to some components might not function.

Installing MDAC 2.5

Core components of MDAC 2.5 are now integrated with the Windows® 2000 operating system and installed in the \Winnt\System32 directory.

The MDAC redistribution process overwrites any existing MDAC files on computers running Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 or Windows 95/98. For more information, see "MDAC Distribution, Past and Present."

Directory Structure

The Platform SDK setup process installs MDAC SDK files on your computer in the following subdirectories of the Platform SDK installation directory. Depending on the components you select during installation, your directory structure might vary.

Directory Description
Bin Binary files for all MDAC SDK components.
Help Documentation and Help files.
Include Header files for MDAC SDK components.
Lib Library files for MDAC SDK components.
Misc Miscellaneous files including conformance tests.
Samples Subdirectories of DataAccess contain code for all MDAC samples.