Platform SDK: Debugging and Error Handling

New 64-bit Functions

Where necessary, the DbgHelp functions have been widened to support Win64™. The original function and structure definitions are still in DbgHelp.h, but there are also 64-bit versions of these definitions. For example, DbgHelp.h contains definitions for SymLoadModule and SymLoadModule64. These definitions are nearly identical, but use different types for the return value and the BaseOfDll parameter. (The original version uses the DWORD type for these values and the 64-bit version uses the new DWORD64 type.)

The 64-bit functions are supported on all platforms. Therefore, you can use them to write a 32-bit debugger that will run on Windows 2000 or a 64-bit debugger that will run on Win64.

When writing new code, it is more efficient to use the 64-bit functions. Internally, the original functions simply call the 64-bit functions to perform the work.

The following is a list of the 64-bit functions: