Platform SDK: Debugging and Error Handling |
The symbol handler will load symbols when you call the SymInitialize function with the fInvadeProcess parameter set to TRUE or when you call the SymLoadModule function to specify a module. In either case, the symbol handler either loads the symbols or defers symbol loading until symbols are requested, depending on the options set by the SymSetOptions function.
The symbol handler can be used to retrieve symbolic information for any module; it does not need to be associated with a process specified in the SymInitialize call. To use an arbitrary module, specify the full path to the module image in the ImageName parameter. You can use a path to any executable module that has debugging information (.exe, .dll, .drv, .sys, .scr, .cpl, or .com). Use the BaseOfDll parameter to specify any load address, then symbol addresses will be based from that address.
It may not be necessary to keep a symbol module loaded through the duration of an application. To release the symbol module from the symbol handler's list of modules, use the SymUnLoadModule function. This function releases the memory allocated for the symbol module. To use symbols for that module again, you must call the SymLoadModule function even if the symbol deferred load option is set.