WM_IME_CONTROL Submessages

Submessage Description
IMC_CLOSESTATUSWINDOW Applications send this message to the IME window to hide the status window.
IMC_GETCANDIDATEPOS Applications send this message to the IME window to retrieve the current position of the candidate window. The IME can adjust the position of the candidate window (for example, to make it fit within screen boundaries), and the application can choose to reposition it.
IMC_GETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW Applications send this message to the IME window to retrieve the current position of the composition window. The IME can adjust the position of the composition window, and the application can choose to reposition it.
IMC_GETSTATUSWINDOWPOS Applications send this message to the IME window to retrieve the position of the status window.
IMC_OPENSTATUSWINDOW Applications send this message to the IME window to display the status window.
IMC_SETCANDIDATEPOS Applications that rely on the IME to display candidates send this message to the IME window to set the candidate window's position.
IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONFONT Applications send this message to the IME window to specify the logical font for displaying intermediate characters in the composition window.
IMC_SETCOMPOSITIONWINDOW Applications send this message to the IME window to set the style of the composition window. This message applies the style to the current input context so that each IME window associated with that context will use that style. The default style is CFS_POINT, which sets the IME window position next to the current insertion point.
IMC_SETSTATUSWINDOWPOS Applications send this message to the IME window to set the position of the status window.