Predefined Hot Keys

Hot-Key ID Description
IME_CHOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE Toggles between IME mode and non-IME mode on Simplified Chinese Windows 95.
IME_CHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE Toggles the shape-conversion mode of the Simplified Chinese IME.
IME_CHOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE Toggles the symbol-conversion mode of the Simplified Chinese IME.
IME_JHOTKEY_CLOSE_OPEN Opens and closes the IME on Japanese Windows 95.
IME_THOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE Toggles between IME mode and non-IME mode on Traditional Chinese Windows 95.
IME_THOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE Toggles the shape-conversion mode of the Traditional Chinese IME.
IME_THOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE Toggles the symbol-conversion mode of the Traditional Chinese IME.