Platform SDK: DLC/NetBIOS


The LLC_BUFFER_GET_PARMS structure is the DLC parameter table for the LLC_BUFFER_GET command. You pass a pointer to this structure using the pParameterTable member of the CCB_PARMS union.

typedef struct {
  USHORT usReserved1; 
  USHORT cBuffersLeft; 
  USHORT cBuffersToGet;
  USHORT cbBufferSize;
  PLLC_XMIT_BUFFER pFirstBuffer;


The number of free buffer segments in the pool after the command completes.
The number of buffers to get from the pool. If you specify zero, the buffer list returned can consists of segments of different sizes.
The size of the requested buffers. The system rounds this number to the next largest segment size (256, 512, 1024, 2048, or 4096).
Specifies the address of an LLC_XMIT_BUFFER structure representing the first buffer obtained.


If cBuffersToGet is zero and cbBufferSize is the size of the frame that is copied to the buffers, the system returns enough buffers to contain the whole frame, including its buffer headers. Then cBuffersLeft receives the size of free locked memory, in 256-byte blocks, or 65536 if the actual size is about 1 MB.

If the pool contains an inadequate number of buffers, the command fails with the status code LLC_STATUS_INADEQUATE_BUFFERS.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Dlcapi.h.

See Also

The DLC Interface Overview, DLC Structures, AcsLan, CCB_PARMS, LLC_XMIT_BUFFER