Platform SDK: DLC/NetBIOS |
The LLC_DLC_REALLOCATE_PARMS structure is the DLC parameter table for the LLC_DLC_REALLOCATE_STATION command. You pass a pointer to this structure using the pParameterTable member of the CCB_PARMS union.
typedef struct { USHORT usStationId; UCHAR uchOption; UCHAR uchStationCount; UCHAR uchStationsAvailOnAdapter; UCHAR uchStationsAvailOnSap; UCHAR uchTotalStationsOnAdapter; UCHAR uchTotalStationsOnSap; } LLC_DLC_REALLOCATE_PARMS, *PLLC_DLC_REALLOCATE_PARMS;
Value | Meaning |
LLC_INCREASE_LINK_STATIONS | Increase the number of link stations. |
LLC_DECREASE_LINK_STATIONS | Decrease the number of link stations. |
Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
Header: Declared in Dlcapi.h.
The DLC Interface Overview, DLC Structures, AcsLan, CCB_PARMS