Platform SDK: DLC/NetBIOS

Data-Transfer Support

The following are the data-transfer support commands:

These commands provide reliable connection-oriented data transfer between session partners. Each data block is sent as a single message and received as a single message. The buffer supplied on a receive request must be large enough to hold an entire incoming message. If the receiving transport driver does not have enough space to store the message in the client-supplied buffer, it returns an error indicating that the buffer does not contain the entire message. The client must issue a subsequent receive command to obtain the remaining portion of the message.

The NCBSEND and NCBRECV commands transfer a single data buffer to the specified session partner, as shown in the following illustration.

The NCBRECVANY command receives data from any session that was opened with the specified name, as shown in the following illustration.

The NCBCHAINSEND command sends two data buffers to the specified session partner as one message. The NCBSENDNA and NCBCHAINSENDNA commands are similar to the NCBSEND and NCBCHAINSEND commands, respectively. However, no acknowledgment is required.