Platform SDK: DLLs, Processes, and Threads

Loading the Win32-based DLL

You load the Win32-based DLL, DLL32, from APP16 by using the LoadLibraryEx32W function.

// Load the Win32-based DLL from the 16-bit code
if( NULL == (ghLib = LoadLibraryEx32W( "dll32.dll", NULL, 0 )) ) 
    MessageBox( NULL, "Cannot load DLL32", "App16", MB_OK );
    return 0;

If you are isolating your thunking code into DLL16, you can put the call to LoadLibraryEx32W in the LibMain function of the DLL16 code.

The instance handle is stored in the following global variable:

DWORD ghLib;

When linking the 16-bit code, you need to indicate that the generic thunking functions will be imported from the system kernel. For example, using Microsoft Visual C++, you would create an IMPORTS section in the module definition (.DEF) file for APP16, as follows.
