Platform SDK: DLLs, Processes, and Threads

Thread Stack Size

Each new thread receives its own stack space, consisting of both committed and reserved memory. By default, each thread uses 1 MB of reserved memory, and one page of committed memory. The system will commit one page blocks from the reserved stack memory as needed, until the stack cannot grow any father. To specify a different default stack size, use the STACKSIZE statement in the module definition (.DEF) file. Your linker may also support a command-line option for setting the stack size. For more information, see the documentation included with your linker.

To increase the amount of stack space which is to be initially committed for a thread, specify the value in the dwStackSize parameter of the CreateThread function. This value is rounded to the nearest page and used to set the initial size of the committed memory. The call to CreateThread will fail if there is not enough memory to commit the number of bytes you request. If the dwStackSize value is smaller than the default size, the new thread uses the same size as the thread that created it.

The stack is freed when the thread terminates.