Platform SDK: DLLs, Processes, and Threads


The JOBOBJECT_ASSOCIATE_COMPLETION_PORT structure contains information used to associate a completion port with a job. You can associate one completion port with a job. There is no way to terminate the association and no way to associate a different port with the job.

    PVOID CompletionKey;
    HANDLE CompletionPort;


Specifies the value to use in the dwCompletionKey parameter of PostQueuedCompletionStatus when messages are sent on behalf of the job.
Specifies the completion port to use in the CompletionPort parameter of the PostQueuedCompletionStatus function when messages are sent on behalf of the job.


The job sends messages to the completion port when certain events occur. All messages are sent directly from the job as if the job had called the PostQueuedCompletionStatus function. A thread monitoring the completion port using the GetQueuedCompletionStatus function must pick up the messages. The thread receives information in the GetQueuedCompletionStatus parameters shown in the following table.

Parameter Information Received
lpCompletionKey The value specified in CompletionKey during the completion-port association. If a completion port is associated with multiple jobs, CompletionKey should help the caller determine which completion port is sending a message.
lpOverlapped Message-specific value. For more information, see the following table of message identifiers.
LpNumberOfBytesTransfered The message identifier that indicates which job-related event occurred. For more information, see the following table of message identifiers.

The following messages can be sent to the completion port.

Message Identifier Description
JOB_OBJECT_MSG_END_OF_JOB_TIME Indicates that the JOB_OBJECT_POST_AT_END_OF_JOB option is in effect and the end-of-job time limit has been reached. Upon posting this message, the time limit is canceled and the job's processes can continue to run.

The value of lpOverlapped is NULL.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_END_OF_PROCESS_TIME Indicates that a process has exceeded a per-process time limit. The system sends this message after the process termination has been requested.

The value of lpOverlapped is the identifier of the process that exceeded its limit.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_LIMIT Indicates that the active process limit has been exceeded.

The value of lpOverlapped is NULL.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ACTIVE_PROCESS_ZERO Indicates that the active process count has been decremented to 0. For example, if the job currently has two active processes, the system sends this message after they both terminate.

The value of lpOverlapped is NULL.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_NEW_PROCESS Indicates that a process has been added to the job. Processes added to a job at the time a completion port is associated are also reported.

The value of lpOverlapped is the identifier of the process added to the job.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_EXIT_PROCESS Indicates that a process associated with the job has exited.

The value of lpOverlapped is the identifier of the exiting process.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_ABNORMAL_EXIT_PROCESS Indicates that a process associated with the job exited with an exit code that indicates an abnormal exit (see the list following this table).

The value of lpOverlapped is the identifier of the exiting process.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_PROCESS_MEMORY_LIMIT Indicates that a process associated with the job has exceeded its memory limit (if one is in effect).

The value of lpOverlapped is the identifier of the process that has exceeded its limit. The system does not send this message if the process has not yet reported its process identifier.

JOB_OBJECT_MSG_JOB_MEMORY_LIMIT Indicates that a process associated with the job caused the job to exceed the job-wide memory limit (if one is in effect).

The value of lpOverlapped specifies the identifier of the process that has attempted to exceed the limit. The system does not send this message if the process has not yet reported its process identifier.

The following exit codes indicate an abnormal exit:


You must be cautious when using the JOB_OBJECT_MSG_NEW_PROCESS and JOB_OBJECT_MSG_EXIT_PROCESS messages, as race conditions may occur. For instance, if processes are actively starting and exiting within a job, and you are in the process of assigning a completion port to the job, you may miss messages for processes whose states change during the association of the completion port. For this reason, it is best to associate a completion port with a job when the job is inactive.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows 2000.
  Windows 95/98: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in Winnt.h; include Windows.h.

See Also

Processes and Threads Overview, Process and Thread Structures, PostQueuedCompletionStatus, QueryInformationJobObject, SetInformationJobObject