Obtaining Additional Process Information
The Win32 API provides functions for obtaining information about processes. Some of these functions can be used only for the calling process, because they do not take a process handle as a parameter. You can use functions that take a process handle to obtain information about other processes.
- To obtain the command-line string for the current process, use the GetCommandLine function.
- To parse a Unicode command-line string obtained from the Unicode version of GetCommandLine, use the CommandLineToArgvW function.
- To retrieve the STARTUPINFO structure specified when the current process was created, use the GetStartupInfo function.
- To obtain the version information from the executable header, use the GetProcessVersion function.
- To obtain the full path and file name for the executable file containing the process code, use the GetModuleFileName function.
- To obtain the count of handles to graphical user interface (GUI) objects in use, use the GetGuiResources function.
- To determine whether a process is being debugged, use the IsDebuggerPresent function.
- To retrieve accounting information for all I/O operations performed by the process, use the GetProcessIoCounters function.