Microsoft Excel Engine Settings

The following table describes the registry settings that are installed for the Microsoft Excel engine. They are located in the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
\Microsoft\Jet\3.5\Engines\Excel key of the Windows registry. None of these settings are required.

Setting Data type Default value Description
TypeGuessRows Integer 8 The number of rows in the worksheet range to scan to determine column types. If set to zero, then all rows in the range are checked.
ImportMixedTypes String Text If a column contains more than one type of data (during the scan of TypeGuessRows rows), the type of the column is determined to be JET_coltypText if the value of this setting is Text. If the value of this setting is Majority Type, the most common type in the column determines the column type.
AppendBlankRows Integer 1 For single worksheet formats (Microsoft Excel 3.0, Microsoft Excel 4.0, Lotus WK1), when exports are performed, the new table is added after any existing data on the sheet plus n rows, where n is given by this registry setting. For example, if the worksheet dimensions are A1..B50 prior to the export, and the value of the AppendBlankRows setting is 4, new data is stored starting at row 55. This setting can have values between 0 and 16.
FirstRowHasNames Boolean 01 True (01)if the cells of the first row of the range contain the column names for the table.