Text Engine Settings

The following table describes the registry settings that are installed for the Text engine. They are located in the \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft
\Jet\3.5\Engines\Text key of the Windows registry. None of these settings are required.

Setting Data type Default value Description
MaxScanRows Integer 25 The number of rows in the file to scan to determine column types. If set to zero, then all rows in the file are checked.
FirstRowHasNames Boolean 01 True (01), if the first row of the file contains the column names for the table.
CharacterSet String OEM The character set in which string and Memo values are stored. Possible values are OEM and ANSI. If the value of this setting is OEM, string values are translated from ANSI to OEM prior to being stored in the file. In the same manner, data retrieved from the file is translated from OEM to ANSI before being returned.
Format String CSV Delimited The default format for files read or written by the text installable ISAM driver. The format can be overridden by import and export specifications for specific files (through the text wizard) but this value is the default in the absence of a specific file specification.
Extensions String txt, csv, tab, asc A list of file name extensions to use when determining the list of files to return from the GetObjectInfo API (Infolevel JET_ObjInfoList). Each extension in this list must be from 1 to 3 characters or the string ”None.”
ExportCurrencySymbols Boolean 01 When set to True (01), values in columns of type JET_coltypCurrency are written to the file with the currency symbol. For example, $1.12. Storing the currency symbols in the file allows the data to be re-imported as a currency type. When set to False (00), the previous value would be written as 1.12.