Simpledao Applet

The applet includes several standard J++ packages as well as classes specific to the DAOSample application. The following table describes the classes imported into

Import statement Description
java.applet.* Classes needed to create World Wide Web applets.
java.awt.* Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). A machine-independent windowing toolkit.
Simpledaoframe Frame that is used when the applet is run as a stand-alone application.
dao_dbengine The Java class that creates the _DBEngine object.
dao350.* The Java DAO version 3.5 wrapper classes that were created by running the Java Type Library Wizard. The package contains classes that are necessary when using COM services from Java. For this applet, only the variant class is needed.

The dao_dbengine class is a wrapper for the DAO _DBEngine object. To create a licensed COM component (such as DAO) from Java, you must use the IlicenseMgr interface. The license key for DAO can be found in the _dbdao.h file included in the DAO 3.5 SDK. The following code demonstrates how to create the DAO database engine using ILicenseMgr.

public class dao_dbengine
	// The static public method creates the DBEngine object.
	static public _DBEngine create()
		// The return value:
		_DBEngine result;

		// Create the License Manager object.
		ILicenseMgr mgr = new LicenseMgr();

		// Use the License Manager to create the DBEngine.
		result = (_DBEngine) mgr.createWithLic(

			// The license key for the DAO DBEngine:

			// The CLSID for the DAO DBEngine:

			// The aggregation IUnknown* punkOuter:

			// The ctxFlag to create in the in-process server:

		return result;