Installable ISAM Driver Files

Each of the Desktop Database Drivers has its own IISAM driver, except for the Microsoft Access 2.0, 7.0, and 8.0 driver. This is because the ISAM driver for the native Microsoft Access format is built directly into Microsoft Jet. (Note that the MSRD2X32.DLL IISAM driver is required for access to Microsoft Access versions 1.x and 2.0 data.) All other database formats require an IISAM driver that provides data access between Microsoft Jet and the other DBMS.

IISAM driver and setup files for each of the Desktop Database Drivers are listed in the following table.

Driver IISAM file Setup file
Microsoft Access (versions 2.0, 7.0, and 8.0) None (included in MSJET35.DLL) None
Microsoft Access (versions 1.x) MSRD2X35.DLL None
Microsoft Excel MSEXCL35.DLL ODEXL32.DLL
Microsoft FoxPro MSXBSE35.DLL ODFOX32.DLL

Note The ODBC Desktop Database Drivers version 3.5 does not include a driver for Microsoft Visual FoxPro 3.0. A new driver for Visual FoxPro 3.0 is available from Microsoft.

MSRD2X32.DLL provides backward compatibility for Microsoft Access 1.x and 2.0 files. No IISAM driver is needed for Microsoft Access 2.0, 7.0, and 8.0 because the IISAM driver for that data is part of the stand-alone Microsoft Jet engine.

The same IISAM files are used for the dBASE and FoxPro drivers, but the setup files are different. The FoxPro driver uses a generic dBASE engine that ensures compatibility with dBASE data sources.

See Also For more information about how the installable ISAM drivers work, see Chapter 8, “Accessing External Data.”