Chapter 2 Introducing Data Access Objects

Data Access Objects (DAO) is the programming interface for the Microsoft Jet database engine. You can use the objects and collections in the DAO object hierarchy to manipulate your data and the structure of your database. DAO is a shared component of Microsoft Office. Any application that supports Automation can use DAO to work with objects in a database. This chapter introduces you to DAO and discusses how to use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications code.

Hello DAO

DAO Objects

DAO Basics

Using DAO

Features New to DAO 3.0 and 3.5

Compatibility Issues

Optimizing DAO

Using the Code Examples in This Chapter

You can use the code examples in this chapter to help you understand the concepts discussed, or you can modify them and use them in your own applications.

The code examples are located in the JetBook\Samples subfolder on the companion CD-ROM. The code examples for Microsoft Access 97 are in JetSamples.mdb, and the corresponding code examples for Microsoft Visual Basic version 5.0 and other applications that support Visual Basic for Applications are referenced in JetSamples.vbp. Both JetSamples.mdb and JetSamples.vbp use tables and queries in NorthwindTables.mdb, also located in the JetBook\Samples subfolder.

To use the code examples, copy the sample files to your hard disk. Be sure to copy NorthwindTables.mdb as well so that you can use the code examples to work with data.

See Also For more information about copying and using the code examples from the companion CD-ROM, see Using the Companion CD-ROM in the Preface.