Determining Whether You Can Open a Database Exclusively

You may also want to determine whether your own code is able to open a database exclusively. This information can be helpful with many operations, such as:

In addition, the user that is currently logged on may not have permission to open the database exclusively.

See Also For more information about Design Master replicas, see Chapter 7, “Database Replication.” For more information about user permissions, see Chapter 10, “Managing Security.”

To determine whether you can open a database exclusively, use the PrivDBEngine object in code that is similar to the IsDbOpenedExclusively function shown in the preceding example:

Function CanOpenDbExclusively(strDbPath As String) As Boolean
	On Error Resume Next
	Dim dbe As PrivDBEngine
	Dim wrk As Workspace
	Dim dbs As Database
	Const conFileInUse = 3045
	Const conDBOpenedExclusively = 3356
	Set dbe = New PrivDBEngine
	Set wrk = dbe.Workspaces(0)
	Set dbs = wrk.OpenDatabase(strDbPath, True)
	If dbs Is Nothing Then
		' If error is unanticipated, display message.
		If (Err = conFileInUse Or Err = conDBOpenedExclusively) Then
			' If database cannot be opened exclusively, return False.
			CanOpenDbExclusively = False
			MsgBox "Error: " & Err & ": " & vbCrLf & Err.Description
		End If
		' If database can be opened exclusively, return True.
		CanOpenDbExclusively = True
	End If
End Function

This function returns True if you can open the database exclusively.