Optimizer Statistics
The optimizer uses two sets of statistics when determining a join strategy on the base tables and on non-base-table inputs such as other QueryDef objects.
For base-table inputs, the optimizer looks at:
The number of records in the base table. This tells the optimizer how large the tables are, which affects which join strategy is used.
The number of data pages in the base table. The more data pages that need to be read from disk, the more costly the query is.
The location of the table. Is the table in a local ISAM format or is it located in an ODBC database? Each distinct ODBC server is given a number. This helps the optimizer and remote post-processor do their work.
The indexes on the table. When looking at indexes, the optimizer is concerned with:
Selectivity. If a particular index returns only three matching values out of 100,000, it’s considered highly selective. A unique index is the most highly selective index available, because every value is distinct. It’s always best to use highly selective indexes.
Number of index pages. As with data pages, the more index pages that must be read from disk, the more costly the query is.
Whether Null values are allowed in the index. Null values in an index may rule out the use of an index-merge join.
Whether duplicates are allowed in the index. Duplicates in an index affect its selectivity.
For non-base-table inputs, the optimizer looks at: