Correcting Errors

Synchronization errors are recorded in the MSysErrors table and replicated to all members of the replica set. This table includes information about the:

Errors must be corrected as soon as possible, because they indicate that the data in different replicas might be diverging. You should be especially careful to correct synchronization errors before moving or renaming your database, because the error is recorded against the ReplicaID property value at the time the error occurred. If the ReplicaID property value is changed it will not be possible for Microsoft Jet to automatically remove the error records during a subsequent synchronization. If the error record is not removed, you will continue to receive notification of the error each time you open the database in Microsoft Access even if you have corrected the problem.

In many circumstances, errors are self-correcting during the next synchronization. For example, during an attempted synchronization, an update will be rejected if another user has the record locked. Microsoft Jet records an error and attempts to reapply the update at a later time. If the subsequent update succeeds, the error record is removed. As a general rule, always synchronize all members of the replica set before manually correcting synchronization errors. Due to the nature of bidirectional synchronizations, it might take more than one synchronization to clear the error record from MSysErrors after the error is corrected. However, all corrected errors should be cleared from the MSysErrors table after two bidirectional synchronizations.