Specifying Database Names

When you specify a database name for a data source supported by an IISAM driver, you can include the fully qualified or relative path to the file. On a local drive, you must include the drive letter, directory path, and file name; on a network drive, you must include the server name, share, directory path, and file name. You can also map a server, share, and directory path to a logical drive and indicate the database name as the drive letter followed by the file name. The following examples illustrate each of these situations.

To specify the FoxPro database Sales in the JetBook\Samples\FoxTables directory on the local C drive, use the following database name:


To specify the FoxPro database Region1 on the Regional share on the Sales server, use the following database name:


To specify the FoxPro database Region1 on the Regional share on the Sales server where the network path \\Sales\Regional has been assigned to drive G, use the following database name:


Note ODBC data sources use a different specifier, called a DSN, to indicate the database name. For all ODBC data sources, use the empty string "" as the database name. The ODBC DSN is described in the following section, “Specifying Data Source Names.”