Specifying Source Database Types

Each external ISAM format has an associated database type that must be specified when using the driver. Each IISAM driver also has a registry subkey that configures the behavior of the driver. When you build a connection string, as discussed in “Putting It All Together: Building a Connection String” later in this chapter, you must include a source database type so that Microsoft Jet knows how to handle the external data.

Note All ODBC data sources use the source database type ODBC.

The following table lists the source database types.

Data source Source database types
dBASE 5.0
Microsoft Excel Excel 3.0
Excel 4.0
Excel 5.0*
Excel 8.0
FoxPro FoxPro 2.0
FoxPro 2.5
FoxPro 2.6
FoxPro 3.0
FoxPro DBC
Lotus Lotus WK1
Lotus WK3
Lotus WK4
Paradox Paradox 3.x
Paradox 4.x
Paradox 5.x
HTML Export
Microsoft Exchange Exchange 4.0**
Text Text
* The Excel 5.0 source database type string is used to specify Microsoft Excel 5.0 and 7.0 workbooks.

** The Exchange 4.0 source database type string is used to specify Microsoft Exchange 4.0, 5.0, and Outlook folders and address books.

Important You must enter the source database type strings exactly as they appear in the table, including spaces and punctuation.