Installing Client for Microsoft Networks

In Windows 95, Client for Microsoft Networks provides the redirector (VREDIR.VXD) to support all Microsoft networking products that use the SMB protocol. This includes support for connecting computers running Windows 95, LAN Manager, Windows NT, Windows for Workgroups, and Workgroup Add-on for MS-DOS networking software for personal computers running MS-DOS.

Because Windows 95 network redirectors are implemented as file system drivers, Client for Microsoft Networks provides mechanisms for locating, opening, reading, writing, and deleting files, submitting print jobs, and making available application services (such as named pipes and mailslots).

If a previous Microsoft network client is running when Windows 95 Setup is started, then Client for Microsoft Networks is installed automatically. You can also add Client for Microsoft Networks after you add network hardware to the computer.

To install Client for Microsoft Networks

  1. In the Network option in Control Panel, click the Add button.
  2. In the Select Network Component Type dialog box, double-click Client.
  3. In the Select Network Client dialog box, click Microsoft in the Manufacturers list, and then click Client for Microsoft Networks in the Network Clients list. Click OK.