Accessing Remote Registries by Using System Policy Editor

When you run System Policy Editor in Registry mode, you have direct access to the Registry for a local or remote computer. This section discusses how to access the Registry on a remote computer by using System Policy Editor. For information about installing and using System Policy Editor, see Chapter 15, "User Profiles and System Policies."

As with Registry Editor, most of the changes you make with System Policy Editor in Registry mode modify the remote Registry as soon as you save the changes. These Registry changes apply to the user or to the computer. Some of these changes require the user to log off and then log back on.

To edit a remote computer's Registry by using System Policy Editor

  1. In System Policy Editor, click the File menu, and then click Connect.
  2. In the Connect dialog box, type the name of the computer you want to remotely administer, using the computer name for that computer as it appears in the Network option in Control Panel. Windows 95 connects to the Registry on the computer specified (assuming you have appropriate permissions).

    The title bar of System Policy Editor shows whether you are viewing a local or a remote Registry.

  3. Make changes by using the methods described in Chapter 15, "User Profiles and System Policies."

After you have made a connection to the remote computer, you can use System Policy Editor for modifying user and computer properties just as you would on a local computer.