Using the Personal Address Book

The Microsoft Exchange client creates a Personal Address Book for each user when the Inbox Setup wizard is run for the first time. The Personal Address Book contains the names and addresses of people to whom users commonly send electronic mail and fax messages. Users can add names and addresses to the Personal Address Book from other electronic address books, such as the Postoffice Address List that comes with the Microsoft Mail workgroup postoffice. Users can also modify the Personal Address Book (they cannot modify address books from other service providers, such as The Microsoft Network).

With the Personal Address Book, you can do the following:

Tip You can address a mail message to selected recipients from within the Personal Address Book dialog box by selecting a name, and then clicking New Message on the File menu.

To find and select names within a Personal Address Book

  1. In Microsoft Exchange, click the Tool menu, and then click Address Book.
  2. In the Address Book dialog box, click Personal Address Book in the Show Names From box. The names in the Personal Address Book are displayed in the list box to the left.
  3. To find a name, type it in the blank box above the list. The cursor automatically moves to that name in the list.
  4. If you can't find a name, click the Edit menu, and then click the Find button. In the Find dialog box, type letters that are part of the name you want to search for, and then click OK.

To modify names and addresses in the Personal Address Book

  1. In the Address Book dialog box, click the Personal Address Book in the Show Names From box, and then double-click a name in the list.
  2. In the properties for that name, change the address, phone, business, and other information, and then click OK.

To add names and addresses to a Personal Address Book from another address book

  1. In the Address Book dialog box, click a different address book in the Show Names From box.
  2. In that address book's list of names, click a name, click the File menu, and then click Add To Personal Address Book.

To add a custom name and address to the Personal Address Book

  1. In the Personal Address Book, click New Entry on the File menu.
  2. In the New Entry dialog box, click the type of address you want to add to the Personal Address Book.

    For example, if the person is a member of The Microsoft Network, select The Microsoft Network. In the Microsoft Network address dialog box, type the Member ID and Name.

    Each messaging service has a different address dialog box. For example, if you select Internet, you must enter the SMTP and Alias of the recipient.

    All messaging services include dialog boxes named Notes, Business, and Phone in which you can store additional information about the recipient.

To create a personal distribution list

  1. In Microsoft Exchange, click the Tools menu, and then click Address Book.
  2. In the Address Book dialog box, click File, and then click New Entry.
  3. In the New Entry dialog box, double-click Personal Distribution List.
  4. In the Distribution List dialog box, type a name for the personal distribution list, and then click the Add/Remove Members button.
  5. In the Edit Personal Distribution List Members box, type a name or select it from the displayed address book, and then click Members to add it to the personal distribution list. You can add as many names as you want. When you are finished, click OK.
  6. In the Distribution List dialog box, click OK to add the personal distribution list to the Personal Address Book.

To address a message to a personal distribution list

  1. In Microsoft Exchange, click the Tools menu, and then click Address Book.
  2. In the Address Book, click Personal Address Book in the Show Names From box.
  3. In the Personal Address Book's list of names, select the name of the personal distribution list, click the File menu, and then click New Message.

    A message form appears with the name of the personal distribution list in the To: box.

To select name(s) when composing a message

  1. In Microsoft Exchange, click the Compose menu, and then click New Message.
  2. In the new message form, click the Select Names button on the toolbar.
  3. In the Select Names dialog box, click a name, and then click OK to address the message.