System Subtree in Hkey_Local_Machine

The data in Hkey_Local_Machine\System is organized into control sets that contain a complete set of parameters for device drivers and services that can be loaded with Windows 95.

All data that controls startup is described in the CurrentControlSet subtree under Hkey_Local_Machine\System. This control set has two parts:

Control Subkey

The Control subkey contains startup parameters for the system, including settings for startup and shutdown, file system performance, keyboard layouts and language support, and so on. The following table describes some typical subkeys.




The computer name, which should be set using the Network option in Control Panel


The type and settings of the file system


The identification for the current configuration

Keyboard layouts

A list of the DLLs for the keyboard language, which should be set using the Keyboard option in Control Panel

Media Resources

Descriptions and driver information for multimedia components


Descriptions of the network providers


Information on national language support, including language and locale preferences, which should be set using the Keyboard option in Control Panel


Statistics gathered from system components that can be viewed using System Monitor


Information about the current printers and printing environment, contained in several subkeys:

u Environments, which contains subkeys defining drivers and print processors for operating system environments

u Monitors, which can contain subkeys with data for specific network printing monitors

u Printers, which can contain subkeys describing printer parameters for each installed printer

u Providers, which can contain subkeys describing DLLs for network print services

Session Manager

Global variables that are maintained by the operating system, plus subkeys that list applications that do not run well under Windows 95, DLLs whose version numbers should be checked, and directories and filenames for all the Session Manager DLLs


Values for time zone settings, which should be set using the Date/Time option in Control Panel


Value indicating whether Windows 95 was installed over an earlier version of Windows


The filenames of VxD files combined into the VMM32.VXD virtual device driver

Services Subkey for CurrentControlSet

The Services subkey in CurrentControlSet lists the Kernel device drivers, file system drivers, and Windows 95 service drivers that can be loaded at startup. The Services subkey also contains subkeys with static descriptions of hardware to which drivers can be attached. The following table shows some typical Services subkeys.




Subkeys for each installed system agent, such as Microsoft Network Monitor, SNMP, or network backup agents


Subkeys for arbitrators required to manage resources between competing devices, usually including address, DMA, I/O, and IRQ arbitrators


Subkeys for all classes of devices the operating system supports, such as disk drives, keyboard, display, mouse, and so on


Subkeys for 32-bit, protected-mode network providers, including logon and security provider information


Subkeys for all virtual device drivers, including disk drivers, network components, disk caches, and so on

Caution Do not change these value entries using Registry Editor. These settings should be maintained only by the system. Settings for drivers that appear under the Services subkeys can be changed by using Control Panel or system policies.