Checking for Common Issues

Check to see if the problem is a common issue by reviewing online Help, the related chapters in this book, or any .TXT or .DOC files included on the Windows 95 distribution disks. For example, check SETUP.TXT and README.TXT.

For general information about the problems listed in the following table, see the related chapter in the Windows 95 Resource Kit.


Related chapter reference

Cannot install Windows 95

Chapter 6, "Setup Technical Discussion"

Computer won't start or Windows 95 won't run

Chapter 6, "Setup Technical Discussion"

Network connectivity problem

Chapter 7, "Introduction to Windows 95 Networking"

Local or network printing problem

Chapter 23, "Printing and Fonts"

Application error or general protection fault

Chapter 22, "Application Support"

The Windows 95 online Help includes troubleshooters for solving specific problems with the following components of a computer:

To get troubleshooting assistance from Windows 95 Help

  1. From the Start button, click Help.
  2. At the Contents tab, click Troubleshooting, and then pick a topic from the list.