Acquiring Staff and Software

The deployment project manager participates in the Executive team and leads the Planning team. This individual is usually the head of the Information Systems department; however, the executive committee may find another individual to be more appropriate, depending on the organization.

When setting up the Planning team, it is important to include a set of individuals representing the groups involved in the deployment process. This includes people from the Corporate Support and Employee Training departments, the Corporate Standards Committee, and key Installation team members. Individuals from the Finance and Accounting group will need to take part in planning and evaluation later on, but need not be assigned to the team for the full duration of the deployment process.

Your Installation team should include an applications expert, who can evaluate 32-bit applications run with Windows 95.

Obtain Windows 95 during this phase. Microsoft recommends that you purchase the compact disc version, to use Server-based Setup and administrative software tools not provided on the floppy disks.