Preparing the Test Site and Equipment

Preparing the site involves ensuring that the location of each computer, the computer itself, and the hard disk in particular are all ready for Windows 95 to be installed. In terms of the physical site, make sure that you have the appropriate jacks for connecting to the network.

In terms of the computer itself, make sure that it has the appropriate hard disk space, RAM (at least 4 MB, but 8 MB is recommended), and processor (386DX or better is recommended) to run Windows 95. To review the requirements for running a shared copy of Windows 95 from a server, see Chapter 4, "Server-Based Setup for Windows 95."

In addition, run virus detection, disk scanning, and defragmentation programs on the computer to correct any problems prior to installation. Although the computer may appear to be operating properly, software upgrades often uncover hardware or software problems, because of the way they read and write data to the hard disk. Correct any such problems before installing Windows 95.

Lastly, when preparing the site, be sure to back up critical data and configuration files for the system, in case the installation fails or you need to revert to the previous operating system for some reason. This includes backing up INI files (such as WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI), GRP files, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and all key data files. As an added precaution, create a system startup disk and back up the Windows and DOS directories and all the files in the root directory.

If you need to automate the restoration, consider using a commercial backup program, instead of copying the files by hand.